Saturday, May 15, 2010

Family Number Three

I saved family number three for last because this is the house that we are going to help build. This house is being built for Yader Caballero ( 23) and his wife Ninoska (18). They have a 15 month old son named after his father and a baby on the way. They are shown in the group picture at the end of this post in the front center.

Below is a picture of the site when we arrived at the beginning of the day.

Below is a picture of Johnny Kampis after moving a bunch of the volcanic rock behind him to the work site for use in putting the six posts that will support the house.

Wade Griffith and Brandon Harsany help Juan Pablo ( our driver) level one of the posts of the house before the add the cement to anchor it.

Keeping Hydrated. It´s Hot down here. So its important to drink plenty of water. Wes Stewart is helping Gelnda Hinson refill her water bottle at the work site. We have to buy big jugs of water, because the water is not safe for us to drink.

Taking a break. The group is taking a break right now. Glenda is not in the picture, she is probablly helping Fernando ( our foreman) and Juan Pablo (our driver) work while we are goofing off. This year we have some shade. Last year we were out in the sun, so we are lucky for a cool spot to rest.

Carrie Shirah and Philip Westbrook are hard at work mixing concrete for the posts. This is tough work and everyone took a turn at mixing concrete by hand.

The picture below is a picture of the house at the end of the day. We did as much as we could do today. We got all 6 posts upright. The concrete needs to cure overnight, so we can start putting the roof on tommorow.

This is a group picture at the end of the day. Everybody had a great time and everyone is in good spirits. It is exciting to be working in Nicaragua again! Wes didn´t make it into the picture, he is behind the camera.

More to come tomorrow.

1 comment:

mamieddyer said...

love the pictures, glad to see everyone doing so well. stay as cool as you can. the families look great. thanks for the pictures. bama news, women softball team won sec, beat lsu to win! RTR take care. thought i sent this earlier, hope it doesn't post twice.